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  It’s been awhile Dear Friends.There hasn’t been a lot to report. Went to the cabin near Bridgewater which is completely off the grid. It’s...

Tuesday, October 03, 2023

And So It Goes…

 And so it goes.

I continue to post using my hunt-and-peck typing on my 10.5 inch 7th generation iPad. I’m now using iOS17 and it “doesn’t support accessories”, that being my Apple Magic Keyboard for the iPad. The only difference that I can see is in that semi-nauseating auto-correct that gave me so many bizarre typos.

To write is human to edit divine: so said Stephen King in “Stephen King On Writing”.And so I must edit and embellish the last 38 blog posts I have presented.

I’m going to try writing first thing in the morning as Julia Cameron in “The Artists Way”, which I’ve never read but should. Ernest Hemingway also wrote first thing in the morning.

There are many books I need to read including Liz Worth’s book on the Toronto punk scene “Treat Me Like Dirt” even though I and whatever Cardboard Brains has apparently bleached out of the book.