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Caesar Drives A Fast Car

  I wrote this song and we recorded it in 1979. The legendary John Peel played it on his BBC show amongst other things.

Saturday, November 25, 2023


 Kind of a blause title of a blog post but what the heck. Somewhere in the annals of this blog is a half assed Curriculum Vitae. It lists recordings but not movies I have been in, not to mention the myriad other wild and wacky things I have done.

For the inquiring mind, IMDB.com doesn’t list all the movies I have done only the major ones and the ones I am credited. As a Voice Artist I don’t traditionally get credited because the studio doesn’t want the viewer to know it’s not the real actors voice they’re listening to. As in the case of Johnny Mnemonic (1996).

So here are some movies I have been in according to IMDB.com (If you look me up on IMDB there are two John Paul Young’s listed. I believe I am the John Paul Young (1) Metal Messiah (1978) not the Scottish Australian John Paul Young (2) Strictly Ballroom whatever year that was.

Metal Messiah (1978) (shot in 1976)
Killer Rats
Gambling Gods and LSD
The Top of His Head
The Gate
Gate II: Trespassers
Johnny Mnemonic (1996)
984:Prisoner of the Future
Shock Rock/Meat the Cleaver
Walk Through
The Sheepeaters
American Knights
Earth Final Conflict
The Last Pogo
I, Madman
Others aren’t listed and/or too many to recall.

My Hunter Biden Impression and Today’s Blog Post…


@5:30 in the morning there’s no time to get a slick self-portrait together.

Spent the morning so far annoying people I know by inundating them with screen shots of things I find interesting or amusing.Going to post this on Facebook also in at shameless act of self-promotion.

I’ve had Facebook since I believe 2009. Reflections of my life: I can remember what I was doing by certain mnemonic guideposts. For instance 2009 is the year Michael Jackson died. I was living in London, Ontario. It was summertime and I was shuffling around the streets of downtown London and I looked at a newspaper box and the cover of the paper showed simply a single still glove.

It always hits me when certain notable figures die. I still can’t believe the death of Prince…especially by way of fentanyl. I was led to believe he was clean as a whistle.

Two things I can’t deal with in 2023 are death and love. I mean I certainly do deal with them, I had to by default, but in my own way i have acquired and that is to remain absolutely stoic. A woman I’ve known for several years sat me down and said: “ I’m going to tell you something and you don’t have to say anything. I love you.” 

And so I said nothing. Later heard she was somehow hurt and offended. I was glad to be off the hook and say nothing. Stoic. I’ve become stoic. 

Ten years ago in 2013 after just migrating here to Halifax I was diagnosed with prostrate cancer. I had surgery, and while after the surgery they stapled me up. While lying in bed one night healing, I sneezed so hard all the staples ripped out of my side. The pain was transcendant but I could do nothing. But I needed help…something had to be done. So I stumbled downstairs to the concierge downstairs where I live. I looked at the staff and they looked at me as it to say: “Yes?”

I simply lifted up my sweater to show the hideous wound gaping blood where the staples once were. So then it was off to the hospital. As I lie on the bed the resident knew the pain I was in. Years ago I would have quasi-malingered for some sweet pain killer but this night i did not care. As I lay there bathed in blood the doctor observed and said one thing:”STOIC.”

I guess this death and love theme is sort of depressing but I don’t intend it to be.  Generally speaking I’m pretty happy.

2009. I had a small apartment in downtown London.I don’t remember much but smoking a lot. Someone gave me an old and decrepit IBM 386 that I stacked on a milk crate. That is when I opened my first Facebook account during the summer that Michael Jackson died.

(Ill post this to blogger and to facebook and come back to pen more, embellish and edit)