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The Cardboard Brains White EP 1977

Cardboard Brains White EP 1977 When looking at the Blogger stats I see people around the world tuning into this blog and I would bet that so...

Monday, January 22, 2024



I will get into this in much more detail at a later time, but for now I want to expose some initial truth.

My brother passed away July 1996. I reformed CARDBOARD BRAINS in April 2000. I did the movie KILLER RATS in March/April in Bulgaria with Ron Perlman. 

After an abysmal and unproductive 1990’s I was approaching 45 and hitting my stride by the time I was back in Toronto. I had money in the bank (MEG Entertainment in my mother’s name), I was buff and at my physical peak of health. I had a martial arts trainer, I did one hour of cardio each day plus weight training. Bruce Lee had become my new role model and I was adopting the philosophy of Jeet Kune-Do.

I was at John Gundy’s house, formerly owned by producer Bob Ezrin. John Gundy was a patron who was Executive Producer of the White and Black EP’s of CARDBOARD BRAINS.

His being knowledgeable in legal and financial matters, I told John I was slated to inherit a great deal of money and I thought I should put my affairs in order so to speak. I asked him what I should do. He advised me to put everything under one umbrella and go see HEENAN-BLAIKIE LLP. Where coincidently David Quinten Steinberg, drummer for THE MODS who appear on THE LAST POGO. (BOMB RECORDS), film by Colin Brunton, works as a Senior Entertainment Lawyer.

I  subsequently met with Christina Buchlie, a former Line Producer, then a Junior Entertainment Lawyer with Heenan-Blaikie. Heenan-Blaikie is a prestigious Bay Street law firm.

Christina Buchlie was extremely nice and extremely helpful when I gave her an overview of myself and my family and the wealth that was rightfully to inherit. She told me what to do, such as making a will, incorporating myself as an artist and how to make myself litigation proof. I left the offices of Heenan-Blaikie elated on a June bday in 2001and decided to check out one of my passion's, books, particularily books on film. I jaunted through downtown Toronto first to Theatrebooks and then onto Chapter’s on Bloor Street by Bay Street.

I went to the magazine section where the film mags were situated, and picked up magazine entitled POV. To my surprise, the cover of POV advertised an article on my old friend Director Peter Mettler. I hadn’t seen or heard of Peter Mettler since I served in some capacity as a consultant for some world spiritual journey film he was working on. That was in 1996, immediately after the death of my brother.

Opening POV and reading the article on Peter Mettler, I was awestruck to read the article which began something like this: “Rarely does a journalist get to view unedited footage of a filmmaker's work but this is the case for Peter Mettler’s new documentary. The film begins in Mettler’s hometown of Toronto with a walk and a talk with a friend who vividly describes his battle and experience with HEROIN ADDICTION…”

I was outraged. My regretful experience with heroin took place after the tragic death of my mentor Charles Luna M.D. in 1993 and lasted only three horrible years and the again tragic death of my younger brother William Robert Stuart Young in July 1996 and my subsequently going to REHAB at Homewood in Guelph Ontario.

I grow fatigued now. It’s been a productive early morning session. CIAO.

In September 2001, EXACTLY when the twin tower 9/11 attacks occurred…

Let me fast forward. I want to put some spice in this blog. All astoundingly true. My mother suddenly died, my father turned into Satan incarnate. He amassed an army against me. I was kidnapped and my murder attempted. Then after the premiere of Gambling Gods and LSD I was falsely arrested an astounding six times and falsely imprisoned four times.

And that took up ten years of my life. And when I was imprisoned in the MAPLEHURST CORRECTIONAL COMPLEX I was actually shackled with leg irons everyday to go to court. That’s when I wasn’t locked in the HOLE.

There I said it. I’ve been beating around the bush for a long time. But I haven’t anything to hide or be ashamed of. Let the shame be upon all those responsible. I believe in full transparency and full disclosure.

I’ve got a sprained wrist from falling on the ice the other day, so I have to take a break from writing. I read this just now on my iPhone, and it sounds pretty crazy. But true.

When Nancy Pelosi’s husband was attacked with a hammer, allegedly, the media analyzed the accused man's blog and said it contained posts that had titles and no body. This they said indicated he was mentally unstable. I’m posting this from my iPhone with a sprained wrist. So there, say what you will.

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